Q1: Does the Steady Power/EcoPower 4 Product work in any home?
A1: Yes it will.
The Steady Power/EcoPower 4 product is designed to go into any home with a single-phase circuit breaker panel with breaker switches.
If your home has the old "screw-in" type of fuses, Steady Power/EcoPower 4 will still work, you will need some additional hardware.
Steady Power/EcoPower 4 will help you reduce the amount of electricity that you pull from the grid (and in turn save you money) by how it "compensates" for inducitve loads (or motor-driven appliances) in your home.
If you answer "Yes" to two or more of the following questions, then you could be saving money on your electric bill right now.

Q2: How Long will the Steady Power/EcoPower 4 Product Last?
A2: Steady Power/EcoPower 4 has a predicted lifespan of over 20 years and comes with a 10-year warranty.
Our products last longer (than the conventional "capacitor in a box" solution) because of the "synergy" between the MOVs (Metal Oxide Varistors), the Power Factor Correcting Capacitors and the "Electrical Noise Filtering Components".
Each of these three components work to protect each other.
This reduces the "derating of components" and extends the operating life-span of the Steady Power/EcoPower 4 system
Q3: What is the Steady Power/EcoPower 4 Warranty?
A3: We offer a 10 year Warranty which is the best in the industry.
There are two aspects to our Warranty for the Steady Power/EcoPower 4 Product

I will explain each of these aspects below.
ASPECT # 1: The 10 Year Guarantee
The Steady Power/EcoPower 4 Product is expected to function for more than 20 years. However, this product is guaranteed to do the following for 10 years.

If (for example) during the "10 Year Guarantee" period, your home was subjected to an electrical surge/spike event; such that the Steady Power/EcoPower 4 product had to "sacrifice itself" (in order to protect your electronics) such that it (the Steady Power/EcoPower 4 Unit was no longer functional); then Vollara (the manufacturer) will replace your Steady Power/EcoPower 4 Unit, free of charge.
ASPECT # 2: The $25,000 Warranty
If (during the "10 Year Guarantee" period) your home was subjected to an electrical surge/spike event; and Steady Power/EcoPower 4 FAILED to protect your electronics from damage, then the Manufacturer (Vollara Corporation) would reimburse for the cost to replace your electronics for up to $25,000.
NOTE: This 10 Year Guarantee and $25,000 Warranty are only valid if both of the following are true.

The $25,000 Warranty will not apply if the "path of damaging energy" was through the telephone lines or the coaxial cable lines.
Q4: How much Current will the Steady Power/EcoPower 4 Product Handle?
A4: The Steady Power/EcoPower 4 product was designed for 240V and 200A, which is typical for residential applications.
Q5: Will the Steady Power/EcoPower 4 Product affect any of my appliances and their normal uses?
A5: No, if you notice anything at all, you will find that your Appliance will run cooler with the Steady Power/EcoPower 4 unit in place.
With the Steady Power/EcoPower 4 unit in place, your electronics will draw less current from the electrical grid.
This (your appliances running cooler) is a good thing, because heat is an "arch-enemy" of electronics and electrical motors.
The higher the operating temperature (that your electronics and electrical motors run at), the shorter the operating life of those electronics and electrical motors.
The Reliability Rule: For every 10 degrees, that you increase the operating temperature of your electronics, the operating life time of your electronics is reduced by 50%.
Q6: How much can I expect to save per month by using the Steady Power/EcoPower 4 Product?
A6:This depends on many of the following factors:

My custoners are reporting to me that they are saving between 8 and 15% off of their electric bills.
1. In another posting, I will present a "Financial Analysis" that is typical of many of my customers (as to how much they will save, and how long it will take Steady Power/EcoPower 4 to pay for itself).
2. A few states have electric utilities that are beginning to penalize electric customers for poor power factor. At these locations, the opportunity for savings (by installing the Steady Power/EcoPower 4 in your home) increases significantly due to the factor that the presence of the Steady Power/EcoPower 4 unit will eliminate this Power Factor penalty from your electric bill.
Q7: How long will it take for the Steady Power/EcoPower 4 Product to pay for itself?
A7: Again, this depends upon what all you have going in your home, which includes the following parameters.

A vast majority of my customers will recover their money within 2 to 3 years after intallation.
Beyond that point, the Steady Power/EcoPower 4 system is now (in effect) putting money in your pocket.
As I mentioned earlier, I will include (in another post) some financial analysis that documents the "ROI" (Return on Investment) that a person will get when investing in the Steady Power/EcoPower 4 Product.
Q8: Is the Steady Power/EcoPower 4 Product easy to Install and Who is Qualified to Perform the Installation?
A8:Yes this product is easy install.
However (for the Warranties and Guarantees) to be honored, this product MUST be installed in the home by a licensed electrician/electrical contractor or qualified electrical installer (in areas where electricians are not required to be licensed).
The installation of Steady Power/EcoPower 4 into your home does require opening the electrical panel, exposing potentially dangerous high-voltage wires.
The Steady Power/EcoPower 4 Unit comes with complete installation instructions and installs in about 15 to 30 minutes as long as there is space to add a 20A or 30A double breaker.
Q9: Why Haven't I Heard of these Products Before?
A9: The answer to this question is two words: Cost Effectiveness.
Up until recently, the electricity rates throughout the United States were cheap.
The cost of electricity was typically running 2, 3 or 4 cents/kWh.
Now electric rates are much higher (up to 22 cents/kWh in some locations).
When the electricity rates were cheap, products like this did not make any sense.
However, at the current rates (and more), this product makes a "ton of sense".
Q10: Are there any Tax Incentives for Purchasing the Steady Power/EcoPower 4 Product?
Yes, in 2009 (which has been extended to 2010) you can take a tax credit of 30% of the cost to purchase and install this product into your home.
NOTE: I strongly recommend that you consult with your Tax Advisor on this topic.
Q11: Can the Steady Power/EcoPower 4 System be mounted on the Outside of a Building?
Yes, the Steady Power/EcoPower 4 system can be mounted on the Outside of a Building, provided your Electrical Contractor makes sure that this product is enclosed in a NEMA-3 (Weather-Proof) Enclosure.
The Steady Power/EcoPower 4 System cannot be installed on the Outside of a Building without this NEMA-3 Enclosure.
You can purchase a NEMA-3 Enclosure (for your Steady Power/EcoPower 4 Product) for $50.00.
Q12: What causes electrical surge events (on the powerline)?
A12: First of all, electrical surge events classified as either "External" or "Internal".
External Surges are typically more severe than internal surges, while,
Internal Surges typically occur more frequently (roughly 80% of all surges are "internal").
External Surges are typically caused by lightning (electrical storms) and Electrical Utility Switching activities.
Internal Surges are typically caused by equipment or an appliance (such as the Air Conditioner or the Refrigerator Motor) switching ON or OFF.
Q13: Does Steady Power/EcoPower 4 protect me from all Surges and Spikes?
A13: The Steady Power/EcoPower 4 Product will protect your electronics from Surges and Spikes that come into the home on the main power line (from outside the home), as we as internal spikes and surgres (such as those originating on a "branch circuit" - within your home).
Although any electrical appliances and electronics in the branch circuit (where the surge or spike event originated) are exposed; once the surge/spike reaches the main power panel (where the Steady Power/EcoPower 4 resides); the surge or spike will be "arrested".
In this case, the electronics (on the other electrical branches, in your home) would be protected from this "internal surge/spike" event.
If an external (outside of your home) surge/spike event were to occur (such as a lightning strike); and if excessive energy (from the lightning strike - for example) were to attempt to come into your home; then the following would happen.
The Steady Power/EcoPower 4 system would sense this "surge/spike" event, and it would direct all of this "excessive electrical energy" to Ground; and away from your electronics.
This would protect your electronics from damage due to the "external surge/spike" event (such as a lightning strike).
A typical home will contain about 15 to 20 "electrical" branches.
If an internal (inside your home) surge/spike event were to occur in one of those branches (due to an appliance being turned ON or OFF), then the Steady Power/EcoPower 4 system will protect all of the electronics/appliances in the other 14 - 19 "electrical branches" from this internal surge/spike event.
Q14: How often do Surge Events Occur?
A14: Very large surge events (e.g., lightning strikes) do not occur very often.
For the most part, your exposure to these types of Surge Events depends upon where you live.

However, your "internal" surge/spike events can occur several times a day (since these types of surge/spike events are induced by appliances turning ON and OFF).
Q15: What if the Steady Power/EcoPower 4 Product does not save me any money on my electric bill?
A15: Vollara offers their own 10 Year Guarantee/$25,000 Warranty.
Here is my "90 Day/Money Back" guarantee.
For 90 days, after installation of this product (into your home) you can return this product, and I will fully refund you for your cost to purchase this product if you are unsatisfied with it.
No questions asked.
Therefore, if you don't believe that this product is saving you any money on your electric bill, or that you're not seeing any benefits from having this product, you can simply return it (within 90 days of installation) and you will get your money back.
Q16: What steps do I need to take to purchase the Steady Power/EcoPower 4 System for my home?
A16: You can learn about how to purchase this product by clicking here.
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